For schools

Educational activities to raise awareness of environmental issues

Interventions done

Students sensitized

Our offer

Educational workshops

We run workshops for classes of all ages on the theme of preserving the oceans.


We introduce our association, our scientific and low-tech projects, and our expeditions through interactive presentations to classes of all ages. classes of all ages on the theme of preserving the oceans.

Educational fact sheets

Members of the department of education to create a variety of educational content such as worksheets aimed at teachers of primary schools.

They trust us

Coding Club for girls

Interventions took place as part of the SPS 'Coding club for girls' workshop, to introduce the Sailowtech project and encourage them to better understand the ecosystems around them and get involved in protecting them.

School Vivalys

The collaboration with Ecole Vivalys began with the Atlantea expedition, during which the students took part in challenges proposed by the crew. After our second Alpine Lake expedition, two classes climbed aboard the expedition boat to learn more about sailing and discover some of our scientific instruments.


In autumn 2022, Sailowtech members held science workshops as part of the SPS maths classes for girls. At the end of January 2023, Sailowtech members will be visiting 14 schools in Geneva to present the Sailowtech project to pupils aged 8 to 14 as part of an SPS - CERN partnership: “Women and girls in science and technology”.

The Atlantea expedition educational project

Customized Formula


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