Thank you !
Thank you to all the institutions and structures that advise the association. They trust us, guide our steps and encourage our most ambitious ideas to make our project rigorous and achievable.
Find out more about them on this page!
Our Embassador !
Co-founder of Under The Pole, a reference underwater exploration program combining scientific research, innovation and awareness for a better knowledge of the Ocean and its preservation, Emmanuelle Perié-Bardout is honored to be our ambassador!
Advice and Supports
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Rizlan Bernier-Latmani : Professor of the EML (Environmental Microbiology Laboratory) and Sailowtech’s academic manager for the scientific branch
- Shan Yao : Scientific mediator at the EPFL science promotion service and coordinator of Sailowtech.
- Julien Deslisle and all the EPFL MAKE comitee
- Manon PRIBILLE : Assistant-Doctorate in the Geographic Information Systems Laboratory of Professor Stéphane Joost.
- Nicolas ADAM et Jonathan SELZ : Scientific Coordinators of GenoRobotic
- Guilhem BANC-PRANDI : Coordinateurs of the Transnational Red Sea Center
- Colomban DE VARGAS : Scientific Director of the Tara mission
- Noan LE BESCOT : Program Manager Plankton Planet
- Gilles MIRAMBEAU :Lecturer at Sorbonne University, Researcher at the Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls, Crewmember Plankton Planet
- Romain BAZILE : Directeur de Ocean Trotter Director, lending us its ship for the expedition
- Clémentine MOULIN : Operational director at the Tara Ocean foundation and Women of the Seas founder.
- Anna ODDONE : Associate Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Project Manager at Plankton Planet
- Fabien LOMBARD : Lecturer-Researcher à the Oceanological Observatory of Villefranche-sur-Mer
- Daniele IUDICONE : Oceanographer and physicist, researcher at the Anton Dohrn biological station.
- Emmanuelle PERIE-BARDOUT et Ghislain BARDOUT : Expedition Leaders of Under The Pole
- Gaëlle BOUTTIER-GUÉRIVE : Education coordinator at Under The Pole
- Alexandre SOENEN : Communication coordinator at Under The Pole
- Emmanuel POISSON-QUINTON : Project developpment coordinator of Campus EXPLORE
- Guillaume LE GUEN : Project coordinator at Campus EXPLORE
Septième Continent
- Elsa PÉNY-ÉTIENNE : Communication coordinator
- Ingénieur.e.s du monde, EPFL
- LUC Voile, Lausanne
- Thibaut VAUCHEL-CAMUS : Professional skipper
- Joël CAMUS : Skipper