

Your support is essential!

You can all help us accomplish our missions. Sailowtech is committed to promoting a sustainable expedition model, with a focus on participatory science and low-tech.


If you wish to support a particular Sailowtech project, you can specify this at the time of payment or contact (e.g. "For Arvor"). If you don't specify, Sailowtech will allocate the money according to its needs.

Most of our budget goes to our expeditions. The next one for which we are seeking funding is Arvor.

Our financial support also enables us to organize events such as Camp Ocean, inviting guest speakers and offering free entertainment to students. 


Our next expedition, Arvor, will take place in the summer of 2024 over a 3-week period, and will enable 18 students to sail for the benefit of frugal science.

In order to support the expedition Arvor, taking place from 18 July to 11 August 2024, you have the opportunity to make a donation via the platform of the Foundation Pacific with whom we arrange the shipment.

Your donations will then be tax-exempt in Switzerland. 

Please indicate "Arvor" in the comment section of the transfer.


 The Atlantea expedition is Sailowtech's first expedition. It is a one-year sailing expedition that contributes to the understanding of the ocean by combining science, awareness-raising and minimization of the environmental footprint. The project is a first for Switzerland and the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), linking Switzerland to France and to the North Atlantic Ocean and its people. The Atlantea expedition is Sailowtech's biggest project to date, and its scope is international, both in terms of the necessary cultural exchanges and active participation in collaborative low-tech scientific research.

This project is supported by the Ocean Trotter association, which lends us its sailboat and has been with us since the beginning of the project. It ensures that the crew travels safely and with the right tools. These logistics are our biggest cost center. So we set up a crowdfunding scheme under the name of Ocean Trotter, which allows you to receive a few small gifts from the crew along the way. All the money raised will be ploughed back into the Atlantea project. Ocean Trotter is recognized as a public interest organization in France.

Donations are therefore tax-exempt for the French, at 66% for individuals and 60% for companies. However, you can of course make a donation from other countries. There is the possibility to uncheck the commission to the platform Hello Asso at the time of payment.   


Bank details:
IBAN: CH29 0900 0000 1612 5552 8
Account name: Sailowtech

NB: donations via the account Sailowtech are not tax exempt

Please specify at the time of payment which project you wish to support. If you do not specify, Sailowtech will allocate the money according to its needs.



Arthur jacobs