Camp Ocean

May 2024

Cercle de la Voile Vidy


  Camp Ocean :

Embark on a scientific and Low-tech adventure !


Camp Ocean is organized by the Sailowtech association and Luc Voile de Lausanne on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at the Cercle de la Voile de Vidy. It is strongly inspired by the Ocean Camps organized by We Explore, which supports our event. At this second edition, you'll be immersed in the world of sailing, frugal and participatory science, and the Low-tech philosophy!

The Program


  • Introduction to navigation sailing and exploration in service of the ocean's preservation
  • Workshops on sustainable scientific practicesincluding frugal and participatory science
  • Rich and varied discussions on the low-tech philosophy and the issues associated
  • A forum to discover associations with missions close to our
  • A concert followed by a Jam session in collaboration with Music


Oceanography-themed workshops will be held ashore in parallel with the sailing.

Workshop 1: "The open hardware and marine biology collaborative "

Digital technology is changing the pace of innovation and the possibilities for cooperation. Starting with an underwater camera project between a fablab and Ifremer, this workshop will decipher the development levers for hardware, software and participatory research in the marine environment.

With Emmanuel Poisson-Quintondevelopment manager of the Explore incubator, co-founder of the Konk Ar Lab fablab, of the Centrale Nantes master's program in low-tech engineering, and of the Kosmos project.

Workshop 2: Bee wraps and tawashi fabrication

Are you interested in low-tech and/or zero-waste and want to adopt eco-friendly alternatives in your everyday life? Join our workshop to discover two practical solutions: the bee wrap and the tawashi!

The bee wrapor reusable food packaging, is an environmentally-friendly alternative to plastic film or aluminium foil. Made from cotton fabric and beeswax, it preserves your food while reducing your use of plastic.

The tawashiis an eco-friendly sponge made from old clothes or recycled fabrics. By making your own tawashi, you can say goodbye to disposable sponges and help reduce waste.

During this workshop, you'll learn how to make your own bee wrap and tawashi, while discovering tips on how to use them in everyday life. We'll discuss the low-tech philosophy and all its everyday applications! Join us for a practical, eco-friendly experience!


Thanks to the LUKE Voilecome aboard a sailboat and discover the joys of navigating on the lake. No experience is required. Introduction to sailing will be supervised by LUC Voile skippers on two to four of their boats, each with a capacity of 5 people (including the skipper).

Navigations :

  • 9h-10h30
  • 10h30-12h
  • 14h-15h30
  • 15h30-17h

Available upon registration.


For this second edition of Camp Ocean, an outdoor area open to the general public will host various organizations and associations who will set up stands for half a day. The aim is to highlight associations that share our values and with which we work closely.

The associations present

Conference & Round Table

"How can we harness participatory and/or field science for a more sustainable and humane world?"


  • Stéphanie Stiernon, Pacifique director
  • Geneva Ocean Academy
  • Guilhem Banc-Prandi, Transnational Red Sea Center scientific coordinator

Each speaker will have the opportunity to present his or her topic for 15 minutes. This will be followed by a 45-minute round-table discussion with the same speakers to explore the issues in greater depth. Time will also be set aside for questions from the audience. 

Moderator: Tania Pesic

Concert & Jam Session

To round off the day in style, we'll be hosting a jam session, preceded by an opening concert in collaboration with Music. A jam session is a special occasion where musicians gather to play together in an improvised way, without necessarily having planned in advance what they're going to play. This event allows artists from diverse backgrounds and musical styles to meet, explore new ideas and create spontaneous music in a friendly, collaborative atmosphere.

Musical is the AGEPoly commission dedicated to promoting music on the EPFL campus.

Food & Beverage

En collaboration avec Castor Freegan pour la récupération d’invendus.

Drinks will be available throughout the day


Breakfast offered.


A vegetarian meal will be offered to those registered for a sailing and/or a workshop.


An aperitif will be served after the round table.



Navigation: 5.-, with registration

Workshop: free admission with registration

Conference: free admission with registration

Forum & Concert/Jam: free entry

The money raised from sailing helps support Sailowtech's activities, including its next sailing expedition, Arvor!

Practical Info

Location: Cercle de la Voile de Vidy All. the Bornan 6, 1007 Lausanne

Sailing equipment: Windproof jacket, sunglasses (weather permitting)

Workshop materials: None.