The association is but the tip of the iceberg.
The most important part is all the people, institutions and structures who are moved by the same causes as we are, and who are just waiting for an opportunity to support an ambitious initiative, touching our generation’s problems, and which takes part in the common effort of the preservation of nature.
Join forces with us !
Crowdfunding for the Atlantea expedition
It’s a donation to the association, of the amount you want, to support our greatest project! No matter the amount, Sailowtech will enable you to take part in it and enjoy the adventure by making you dream through the Atlantea expedition.
You will be able to chose among different ranks of donation, which come with gifts, or you can simply give without receiving any material compensation but with our most sincere gratitude.
We are now allowed to issue tax receipts. Your donations allow you to obtain a tax reduction of up to 66% of the amount of your donation, within the limit of 20% of your taxable income.
Become partners
If your organisation is interested in Sailowtech and wishes to provide material, financial or human support, feel free to contact us through the following link.
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